Mission Read is designed for young readers, Kindergarten through Third grade, to read for 1,000 days! Your child must be in either Kindergarten, First, Second or Third grade to sign up and they must complete the program before Sixth grade. After every 100 days, kids can stop into the library to receive a small prize and sticker. When they reach 500 days, they get to pick out a free book to keep. Then after finishing 1,000 days, they receive a tablet reader! 1,000 days sounds like a lot, but what a great program to build early literacy with awesome incentives!
To sign up, stop into the Library and come to the circulation desk or call us at 616-696-1910 and pick up your packet via curbside. You must finish Mission Read at the SAME library you signed up at!
*Example – If you signed up for Mission Read at the Cedar Springs Public Library, you turn in your 100 day progress, receive your book and receive your tablet from Cedar Springs Public Library (not another Library).