The Michigan eLibrary sponsored by the Library of Michigan, is a quality online information resource that provides residents of Michigan with no-charge access to a core set of electronic resources over the Internet. The resources contained in MeL’s ‘virtual library’ are selected and evaluated by librarians and are designed to be a comprehensive electronic information tool for the state’s libraries, schools and citizens. (NOTE: Some databases may require a valid Michigan driver’s license.)
Gateways to Information
General interest. Full text. Authoritative car and truck repair information. Year, make, and model combinations from 1940 to the present. Videos, photos, wiring diagrams, diagnostics, and maintenance specifications.
This database is provided by the Michigan eLibrary (MeL).
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Enables users to locate biographical entries contained in more than 1,000 volumes and editions of important current and retrospective biographical reference sources. This index contains citations that point to over 15 million biographies on nearly 5 million people, living and deceased, from all time periods, geographical locations, and fields of endeavor. This database is provided by the Michigan eLibrary (MeL).
Welcome to Michigan Legal Forms Library.
K-8. Find just the right book by subject, age, awards won, Lexile Reading levels, State standards; even books made into movies, and much more. Read reviews and learn about the author. Create your own reading wish list. Michigan residents